Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jumpin' on the bandwagon...

Okay...I always said I would never start a blog, that I just didn't have that much time on my hands and if I did actually get the time I wouldn't want to spend that time on the computer. For God's sakes, I think I'm the only person in the world that still doesn't have a myspace or facebook page! Then, I started looking at all my friend's blogs and it really seemed like a wonderful way to document what's going on in your life. These days get so busy and pass by so quickly, I had to figure out a way to remember all these special moments in our lives! Anyways, here I am...a blogger! I know you are all thinking, "how in the world did she figure out how to do that?" The truth is, it was really easy to figure out or else I would have given up this idea immediatly! I love you all and I hope you enjoy the blog. Keep in mind this girl isn't posting everyday, twice a month maybe!

Gracie loves riding the gator with her Mimi to feed the sheep. Every time Mimi puts her arm across her she pushes it away. "Independent woman"!

1 comment:

  1. I must admit I'm pretty surprised you figured out how to make one... lol!!! I'm glad you did tho, because even tho we only live 20 minutes from each other, I never get to see you guys and man, has that little miss priss grown up SOO much!!! i love you guys and we really need to get together soon!!!
