Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sweet Grace

Hey guys, it's Gracie! Just wanted to give you a quick update on what I've been up to:

I finally have enough hair to put a bow in. My mommy is so happy for this b/c now people at the grocery store won't say, "hey there little fella". My current favorite hobbies are riding the polaris with my daddy, playing outside ALL THE TIME, and reading LOTS AND LOTS of books. I also LOVE to eat!!! My favorite foods (this week) are lima beans (which give me gas), strawberries, and bananas. I also LOVE animals (dogs especially but I also like squirrels and birds) and playing with rocks. I am also talking and walking a lot! My new words are "dada," "mama", "no", "yes", "Grace", and I'm trying to get out "there it is!" I'm a very busy little girl and I don't like to sit still for I'm off! Talk to you soon! Here are some pics...


My favorite book! Aunt Cathy gave it to me.

My angel wings


  1. she is so stinkin cute!!! i can't wait to see her!!! we really need to get together soon. love you!

  2. Love it!!!
    She is getting so big and she is beautiful just like her mommy!!

    I miss you!
